For all those working on community resilience and cohesion at a local authority level.
Local Government
For all those working on community resilience and cohesion at a local authority level.
For all those working on community resilience and cohesion at a local authority level.
For all those working on community resilience and cohesion at a local authority level.
The Belong Local Government Network brings together local and regional authorities with a strong focus on social cohesion and community resilience in order to support the development of best practice, the sharing of knowledge and ideas on policy, practice, strategy, and impact evaluation, and the development of a collective voice.
The Network also provides a forum for consultation by policymakers or others seeking to engage directly with local government practitioners and experts.
The Network meets four times a year. Meetings are normally online, but the Network also arranges immersive in-person meetings to look in more depth at work being undertaken by member authorities.
To find out more about the Belong Local Government Network, please email