Places and People Community of Practice

Launching May 2024

Places and People Community of Practice

Launching May 2024

Inaugural meeting: Weds 8 May, 1.30 – 3.00pm via Zoom

What is a Community of Practice?

Belong’s Communities of Practice bring together people from across the UK who are working on similar challenges or in similar sectors or areas of work relating to social cohesion.

The content and format of CoP meetings are driven by the needs, interests and priorities of members, with input and support from the Belong Network team. CoPs usually meet online once a quarter with in person events taking place subject to demand and availability of members.

A CoP meeting could include discussion of new research or best practice guidance, guest speakers, presentations by members on recent work or training lead by a Belong Network staff member or Associate.

What will Places and People cover?

  • Overcoming challenges to cohesion and / or integration
  • Combining diversity with common citizenship
  • The influence of the built environment and public realm
  • How we can foster and strengthen social connections

Who is it for?

Places and People is primarily for any civil society organisations working at a local level, primarily in towns and cities, however local government departments or businesses with a particular focus on place-making, regeneration and co-production are also welcome

How will it benefit my organisation?

  • Opportunities to build and expand your professional networks
  • Access to guest speakers, training materials, thought leadership and research
  • A source of support, expertise and a ‘sounding board’ to share ideas
  • Becoming part of a collective voice.

How much does it cost?

Attending a Community of Practice is free if your organisation is a Standard, Advanced or Founder member of the Belong Network. Free places are not available to Associate members.

  • Standard members – two free places
  • Advanced members – as required
  • Founder members – as required

If you are not sure if your organisation is a Belong Network member, or you would like to find out about joining the Network, please get in touch:

How do I join?

Just email to register your interest.

Please hold the date and time of the first Places and People meeting free: Weds 8 May, 1.30 – 3.00pm via Zoom