The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

Welcome to the Belong Network Library

The Belong Library is free to access and brings together a wide range of online resources produced by the public, private and civil society sectors to build the evidence base around social cohesion.

It is regularly updated and includes:

  • measurement and evaluation frameworks,
  • ‘what works’ guides,
  • relevant research,
  • best practice sharing
  • training materials for small and large charities and other volunteer-involving sports and community organisations.

Please contact us if you are unable to find what you need – we’d be delighted to help.

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Telling the Difference: Using Story to Change Systems April 2018

Author: Ella Saltmarshe, Publisher: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

All of Us: The Mayor’s Strategy for Social Integration March 2018

Author: Greater London Authority, Publisher: Greater London Authority

This document sets out the GLA's strategy for social integration in London. It includes an analysis of what integration is and of the state of integration in London. The strategy is based around four themes: Relationships (promoting shared experiences); Participation (supporting Londoners to be active citizens); Equality (tackling barriers and inequalities); and Evidence (improving London’s evidence base to measure, evaluate and share findings on the state of social integration).

Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper March 2018

Publisher: Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)

The Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper sets out plans for delivering activities aimed at promoting integration in the UK. It examines the challenges to integration and sets out the key policy proposals across eight key areas: strengthening leadership; supporting new migrants and resident communities; education and young people; boosting English language; and places and community.

“If you could do one thing…” The integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers December 2017

Author: Madeleine Mosse, Publisher: The British Academy

A set of eight case studies from across the UK examining lessons learnt about how to promote the integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Includes examples from across sectors, including the police, schools, charities and a local authority

“If you could do one thing…” 10 local actions to promote social integration December 2017

Author: Anthony Heath et al., Publisher: The British Academy

A set of 10 essays providing insight into local and national approaches to promoting integration. Includes insight into arts-based approaches, work in and between schools, the role of community centres and recommendations for local integration plans.

Using the Power of Sport to Build Good Inter Faith Relations November 2017

Author: The Inter Faith Network, Publisher: The Inter Faith Network

A report on a symposium exploring the way in which Sport can be used as a tool to build inter faith connections and relations.

Arts and Communities Programme (Arts Council) October 2017

Author: Andy Parkinson & Jamie Buttrick (Consilium Research and Consultancy Ltd.), Publisher: Arts Council

This report showcases a range of activities that have been delivered through the Arts Council’s “Arts and Communities” programme. It includes case studies, and tips and guidance for future programme development. It considers the significance of the role of local authorities in the delivery of arts and cultural programmes that build common ground within communities.

Bread and Roses: Meet the refugee women finding employment through floristry August 2017

Author: The Independent, Publisher: The Independent

Meet the refugee women who are learning the fundamentals of flower arranging with Bread & Roses – a social enterprise that trains women in floristry and provides them with the space to learn English, develop skills and build their confidence.

Media Toolkits: “Creating Messages and Stories” and “Influencing through the Media and Digital” June 2017

Author: IMIX – The Migration Communications Hub, Publisher: IMIX – The Migration Communications Hub

Two toolkits put together by IMIX – The Migration Communications Hub. These Toolkits are for people seeking to get messages across in the media and via digital related to immigration. These resources offer advice on how to tell stories of immigration to different groups, and the importance of using distinctive messaging.

Roma Integration at Local Level in the EU April 2017

Author: The Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI), Publisher: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

The Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI), an European initiative, undertook action research to examine Roma integration in 21 places across 11 EU countries between 2014 and 2016, including the UK. This short video introduces the project and signposts to further case studies about each of the contexts examined.