The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

Welcome to the Belong Network Library

The Belong Library is free to access and brings together a wide range of online resources produced by the public, private and civil society sectors to build the evidence base around social cohesion.

It is regularly updated and includes:

  • measurement and evaluation frameworks,
  • ‘what works’ guides,
  • relevant research,
  • best practice sharing
  • training materials for small and large charities and other volunteer-involving sports and community organisations.

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Inter Faith Week Stories from 2016, inspiration for 2017 April 2017

Author: The Inter Faith Network, Publisher: The Inter Faith Network

A short, illustrated report on Inter Faith Week 2016, including a section looking forward to the 2017 Week.

Rebuilding our Common Life: A Three Point Plan to Forge a more Socially Integrated Britain April 2017

Author: The Challenge, Publisher: The Challenge

Ahead of the 2017 General Election, this short report set out a three-point plan outlining how the UK’s political leaders should promote active participation in community life and create more opportunities for people of all backgrounds to meet, mix and connect.

A Handbook for Governing Hyper-diverse Cities April 2017

Author: Tuna Tasan-Kok, Gideon Bolt, Larissa Pluss, Walter Schenkel, Publisher: Utrecht University (Faculty of Geosciences)

This handbook draws out lessons learnt from the DIVERCITIES Project - an initiative that examined the opportunities presented by diversity in cities across Europe.

INTEGRATION NOT DEMONISATION: The final report of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integrations inquiry into the integration of immigrants April 2017

Author: APPG on Social Integration, Publisher: APPG on Social Integration

A report published by the APPG on Social Integration in 2017, which concluded the cross-party’s inquiry into integration. The report makes four core recommendations, which are: to devolve immigration policy powers so that there is a regionally led-immigration system; to develop an integration strategy; to reframe the immigration debate through introducing new ways of viewing citizenship, including through potentially introducing certain criteria; and developing a new strategy for English language learning. Fifty detailed policy recommendations are presented in total.

Integration: From national rhetoric to local reality: How the new mayors for city-regions can help get integration right at local level April 2017

Author: Sunder Katwala, Jill Rutter, Avaes Mohammad, Steve Ballinger, Publisher: British Future

This report highlights the opportunities presented by the election of new mayors for six city-regions across England. The report argues that the new mayors are in an excellent position to further integration in their cities, and provides recommendations for approaches and activities for each of the cities – covering everything from appointing a deputy mayor for integration, to building more affordable housing.

Minority Report: Race and Class in post-Brexit Britain March 2017

Author: Edited by Omar Khan and Faiza Shaheen, Publisher: Runnymede Trust

This is a contemporary analysis looking at race and class following the EU referendum and the beginning of BREXIT. It’s published by the Runnymede Trust and draws on the work of authors and commentators who provides some pointed insights into the role played by race and class in post EU referendum discord.

Understanding School Segregation in England: 2011 To 2016 January 2017

Author: iCoCo Foundation/SchoolDash/The Challenge, Publisher: iCoCo Foundation/SchoolDash/The Challenge

This study, carried out by the iCoCo Foundation, SchoolDash and The Challenge, sets out to understand how segregated schools are according to socio-economic status and ethnicity, and to evaluate these trends over a five-year period.

Faith and Cohesive Communities – IFN 2016 National Meeting Report January 2017

Author: Inter Faith Network, Publisher: Inter Faith Network

Report from the Inter Faith Network looking at contributions faith communities and inter faith groups make to community cohesion. Issues explored include compassion, dialogue, accessibility, intergenerational activity, equality, diversity, and social media.

The Casey Review: A review into opportunity and integration, Executive Summary December 2016

Author: Dame Louise Casey, Publisher: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

The Casey Review is an extensive review of integration carried out by Dame Louise Casey in 2016. The report identifies high levels of segregation, isolation and inequalities in communities and makes detailed policy recommendation.

Voices in the Dark – Children on the Run December 2016

Author: UNHCR, Publisher: UNHCR

In this video, we hear from children who have been forcefully displaced, travelling unaccompanied, or becoming separated from their families, as they seek asylum abroad. An upsetting account that nonetheless reflects the realities of many of these children’s journeys. In 2017, 2,206 applications for asylum were made by Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASC) in the UK.