The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

Welcome to the Belong Network Library

The Belong Library is free to access and brings together a wide range of online resources produced by the public, private and civil society sectors to build the evidence base around social cohesion.

It is regularly updated and includes:

  • measurement and evaluation frameworks,
  • ‘what works’ guides,
  • relevant research,
  • best practice sharing
  • training materials for small and large charities and other volunteer-involving sports and community organisations.

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The Little Book of Answers (Tate Modern) December 2015

Author: Laura Malacart, Publisher: Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity

Questioning the answers' shows how Bridget Byrne’s sociological research on British citizenship has been used by artist Laura Malacart in developing her art workshop on ‘The Little Book of Answers’. The artist's work was shown at the Tate.

Faiths Working Together Toolkit December 2015

Author: Near Neighbours and the Inter Faith Network, Publisher: Near Neighbours and the Inter Faith Network

This Toolkit has been produced by Near Neighbours and the Inter Faith Network. It aims to help organisations and individuals reach out to people of different faiths, and to create successful projects that engage people from different religious backgrounds.

Living with Difference: Community, diversity and the common good December 2015

Author: The Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life, Publisher: The Woolf Institute, University of Cambridge

This report is a culmination of a two-year study that considers the place and role of religion and belief in contemporary Britain and the significance of emerging trends and identities. The report makes a number of recommendations for public life and policy.

The positive inclusion of refugee and migrant communities in and through football: A toolkit October 2015

Author: Centre for the study of Football and its Communities, Publisher: Manchester Metropolitan University

Produced by Manchester Metropolitan University’s ‘Centre for the study of Football and its Communities’, this Toolkit provides an overview of good practice for using football to promote the inclusion of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.

Just Bread: Refugee women become artisan bakers August 2015

Author: Refugee Council, Publisher: Refugee Council

Through this project, refugee women are trained to become artisan bakers. The project is a collaboration between a commercial bakery and coffee shop in East London and the Refugee Council – demonstrating how the private and third sectors can work together to support integration.

Systems Change: A Guide to What it is and How to Do It June 2015

Author: Rob Abercrombie, Ellen Harries and Rachel Wharton, Publisher: New Philanthropy Capital (NPC)

This guide provides clarification about what systems change is and offers guidance for charities, funders and the public sector about how to act systemically. It includes insights into good practice for systems change.

The Privatisation of Prejudice: Equality legislation and political correctness in the UK. November 2014

Author: Gill Valentine, Publisher: ICOSS, University of Sheffield

This short briefing provides a window into attitude towards equalities legislation and political correctness. Based on evidence collected from 30 case studies, the study finds that legislation has repressed rather than reduced prejudice,. The right to ‘say what you think’ has become a central part of populist counter-cohesion narratives. The research provides a useful background to the hostile narratives that undermine community cohesion

Kingdom United? Thirteen steps to tackle social segregation November 2014

Author: Social integration commission, Publisher: Social integration commission

In this report, the Social Integration Commission sets out thirteen principles that it believes should underpin a healthy and well-integrated society. Among them are that: every school should provide opportunities for their pupils to interact with children belonging to different ethnic groups and income backgrounds; businesses and public sector agencies employing recent migrants should take active steps to enable these workers to meet and mix with different groups of people; people living in diverse areas should be encouraged to get to know their neighbours.

Measuring Social Capital July 2014

Author: Veronique Siegler, Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS)

This consultation paper was published by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) as part of their work to try and draw up indicators of social capital which might have an impact on community resilience. It includes some ideas about how data relevant to social capital could be used to build community cohesion initiatives.

Promising Practice: University of North Florida June 2014

Author: Welcoming America, Publisher: Welcoming America

Dr Leslie Kaplin from the University of North Florida describes how a programme that places university students in local agencies to support refugees is transforming perspectives and supporting social integration. An example of an effective partnership between a university and the third sector.