The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

Welcome to the Belong Network Library

The Belong Library is free to access and brings together a wide range of online resources produced by the public, private and civil society sectors to build the evidence base around social cohesion.

It is regularly updated and includes:

  • measurement and evaluation frameworks,
  • ‘what works’ guides,
  • relevant research,
  • best practice sharing
  • training materials for small and large charities and other volunteer-involving sports and community organisations.

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Untold Stories of Good Relations: Building a Coalition of Voice and Influence March 2014

Author: Jo Broadwood et al, Publisher: Talk for a Change and International Alert

This report is the result of extensive consultation undertaken with organisations engaged in activities to promote good relations around the UK. The report highlights the need for an alliance that can amplify the voices of organisations and practitioners, provide support and influence government policy.

Closing the gap between the seminar room and the wider public debate on integration March 2014

Author: Edited by David Goodhart, Publisher: Demos

This report brings together a collection of essays on integration in the UK. Among the themes explored are: residential segregation; approaches to measuring social integration; the importance of promoting inter-group contact; the role of institutions; social mixing in schools; social mobility; and the integration of people from Polish backgrounds. It includes 'on the ground' studies of integration in local areas (Keighley, Tower Hamlets and Newham) . This report takes in a wide variety of themes and provides insight into a number of issues faced in the field of integration.

Fighting forced marriages and honour based abuse, Jasvinder Sanghera November 2013

Author: TEDx, Publisher: TEDx

In this video, Jasvinder Sanghera shares her personal experience of running away from home at the age of fourteen to avoid a forced marriage. Jasvinder founded the charity 'Karma Nirvana' in 1993, helping to establish refuge centres for those fleeing forced marriages. The video provides a unique insight into the impact of forced marriage on individuals and the challenges faced when seeking to address this problem in communities.

We need to talk about…Can discussing controversial issues strengthen community relations? July 2012

Author: Raj Bhari, Jo Broadwood, Nicola Sugden, Publisher: Talk for a Change

This report examines the need to have ‘difficult conversations’ in communities in order to address issues that are creating concerns or tensions. The report examines who is having these conversations, the impact and the skills needed to make them effective.

The Impacts Of Migration On Social Cohesion And Integration January 2012

Author: Shamit Saggar, Will Somerville, Rob Ford & Maria Sobolewska, Publisher: Migration Advisory Committee

This report explores migration and social cohesion through the themes of 'Britishness', economic impact and neighbourhoods. It concludes that in some areas, what makes the difference in relation to hostility to new arrivals is socio-economic deprivation. This doesn’t, of course, explain antipathy towards migrants in more prosperous areas.

Don’t judge a book by its cover! The Living Library Organiser’s Guide 2011 December 2011

Author: Council of Europe, Publisher: Council of Europe

Living libraries are like normal libraries, where visitors can browse titles, choose books they want to read, and borrow them. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation. Living Libraries seek to challenge prejudice and discrimination.

Far Right Electoral and other Activity: the Challenge for Community Cohesion March 2011

Author: Ted Cantle, Publisher: iCoCo Foundation

This report from the Institute for Community Cohesion (iCoCo) was published shortly before the extreme right-wing British National Party began to implode, a situation which would see contemporary narratives celebrating the demise of the far right. It has some good analysis of right-wing politics and the enduring factors motivating citizens to be attracted to such ideology. Arguably its cautionary analysis has been prophetic.

Good relations: A conceptual analysis October 2009

Author: Nick Johnson and John Tatam, Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

This report provides a measurement framework for good relations.

Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring and Learning Toolkit August 2007

Author: John Paul Lederach, Reina Neufeldt, Hal Culbertson, Publisher: The Joan B. Kroc Institute For International Peace Studies, University Of Notre DameAndCatholic Relief Services SoutheastEast Asia Regional Office

Although this toolkit is aimed at those working in peacebuilding internationally, it offers useful and accessible tools for anybody working in communities where there are tensions, and where organisations are seeking to bring about attitudinal and behavioural change. It is written by the veteran conflict transformation professional and scholar, John Paul Lederach.

What Works in Community Cohesion June 2007

This is a detailed exploration of what works in community cohesion, covering a whole range of areas, including language learning, easing tensions in communities, supporting socio-economic wellbeing, and myth busting. It includes some insights from evaluations previously carried out in the field of community cohesion in different parts of the country. This document will be useful for those seeking to understand community cohesion in its full scale and scope.